
The Flying Car is Finally Here… Sort of

Andrew Limbong :: Wednesday, June 30th, 2010 1:15 pm

It turns out the future doesn’t look as cool as one would think. The world’s first flying car, known as the “Terrafugia Transition,” has just gotten the go-head from the Federal Aviation Administraion to go into production, but its practicality seems suspect. Weighing in at 1,440 lbs., the Transition is essentially a small, two-person car with foldable wings. It’s small enough to fit in your average-sized garage so you can take it for a spin around town and then decide to fly away—this is, of course, assuming you have the 1,700-foot stretch of flat land needed for take-off. It’s not exactly the ideal getaway vehicle that one would hope. So who can use it? People with a spare $194,000 to spend and 20 hours of flying time under their belt, meaning we’re still a couple years away from reaching the real future. Here’s a sneak peek at the flying car in action.