Music Videos, NSFW
Video: M.I.A. - ‘Born Free’ - NSFW
Danielle Johnsen :: Monday, April 26th, 2010 12:41 pm
Wowza! When M.I.A. was discussing her evolution a few weeks ago, she wasn’t lying. The new single ‘Born Free‘, which was leaked last week is much more Liars than her typical catchy Summer ‘Paper Planes‘ style jams. D+T posted a link for the latest single from her upcoming album last week, but it has since been taken down. And the video for the single, directed by Romain Gavras, is overtly violent and capitalizes on the message M.I.A.‘s been attempting to get across for a while. The very NSFW video, which features police raids, sex scenes and the murdering of various red-headed teens is after the jump. MORE »